Monday, August 10, 2015

New Article on How to Cut Air Filter Media Rolls

Industrial air filter media rolls are exciting! Just thinking about creating a customized filter and the money saved is enough to get you excited. But then, you start thinking about how you're going to manage the project...specifically, cutting the material. And then, doubt creeps in. If this is you, take heart! There's a brand new article that shows you how to do it without any hassles.

The post is hot off the press and is brought to you by Air Filter Media.Net. With some great photos by the team at 5 Star Filter, the article explains the process in a few simple steps. No scientific mumbo jumbo to wade through, it's all "meat and potatoes" just waiting to be read.

To learn how to make your own filters, just go to How to Cut Air Filter Media Rolls the Easy Way. Bookmark the site, there are lots of updates continually.You'll be glad you did!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

New Air Filter Media Blog

The world of air filters can be a bewildering place to those outside the industry. If you don't speak the language, it's easy to become lost. To help navigate the perilous waters of filtration, there's a new blog which is aimed at educating readers. It's primary focus is air filter media and is titled, oddly enough, Air Filter Media.

Upon first glance, it may appear to be piles of technical jargon. However, that is not the case. The site is full of useful information broken down to make it easy to understand. When it comes to value, this blog delivers big time.

The first thing to notice is the straight forward navigation. Unlike many blog sites, this one gets right to the point and doesn't waste the reader's time. The home page is set to show the latest posts, which keeps content fresh and makes it inviting for visitors to return often. The links are clearly visible on the navigation menu and target the different categories of air filter media. They are laid out as follows:

  • Air Filter Media - an explanation of the site and its purpose
  • Air Filter Media Pads
  • Air Filter Media Rolls
  • Carbon Impregnated Poly Rolls
  • Paint Arrestor Pads and Rolls
Each page is worth its weight and there's no wasted space anywhere on this blog, which makes it a valuable resource for those interested in learning more about air filter media. On another note, the background image is a nice tropical beach scene which seems to relax visitors, slowing them down long enough to stay and learn more about the subject matter. Check it out at

Air Filter Media